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Let There Be Light

Location: Glencoe, Highlands, Scotland.

While leading a 1-2-1 field trip with a very nice fella called Richard and after just about finishing for the evening I noticed a lightening on the hills on the Three Sisters at Glencoe. It wasn't until we rounded the corner and simultaneously exclaimed "oh my God", or words similar that we realised the blanket cloud that had plagued us most of the day had finally parted and let some of the most impressive light we had seen shine through. The area of light being relatively small I realised that to make the most of it we would need a reflection and this was the only spot that came to mind that had the floe of the river meandering in the right direction. Richard got some cracking shots and I must admit I was pretty pleased with my own.

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Добавлено 2008-01-20 lilu

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