Главная » Фотоальбом » Галерея живописи » Igor Oleynikov »

Igor Oleynikov

Born - January 4, 1953 in town Lubertsy near Moscow. Studied in Moscow institute of chemical mechanical engineering. No special art education. 1979 start working at an animation studio "Souzmultfilm".
Firstly as an assistant of the art-director then as art-director.
Also cooperate with book publishing houses and children's magazines.

Participation in exhibitions:

The Moscow House of the Children's Books, 1999 - 2002;
The Library for Foreign Literature, Moscow 2002, 2003
Illustrated books:

"And I was in computer city";
"A Battle(dashing) fur coat";
"Various pussy-cats", Round, Russia;
"Various Little Fishes";
"Various Little Frogs";
The collection "Horrors";
"An Orange Camel";
"The Hobbit";
"The Adventures of Baron Munhgausen";
"A Hungry Giant from Tundra";
"Pegasus and A Horse from Roundabout"

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